
Governors are in place to work with the school, community and all parents and carers to ensure the best interests of the children are served. Governors make up the largest volunteer force in the UK.

Governors have three key roles:

  • To set the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • To monitor progress towards specific goals and to hold the Head Teacher to account for the performance of teachers and pupils
  • To ensure public money is well spent through allocation of budgets so all requirements are met

At Bletchingdon we have a strong team of governors who take the task of governance very seriously and are aware of the responsibility they carry to achieve the best outcomes for the children.

As a governing body the governors have a wide range of skills to enable them to both challenge and support the Head Teacher. Through these skills and high-quality training specific to the governor role, they understand the complexities of the school organisation and can monitor school performance, safeguarding, finance, health and safety issues and so support the school as it seeks to develop and improve. Our governors also have a close working relationship with the Head Teacher and school staff.

As a Church of England school, we also ensure that the Christian ethos is promoted in all we do. Our vision statement of ‘Shine like stars and become light in our world’ is the aspiration of all the children, staff and governors.

The Governing Board consists of:

  • The Head Teacher and one other staff member,
  • Two parents elected by parents,
  • A representative of the Local Authority,
  • Another from the Bletchingdon Community Charity,
  • The local vicar, and
  • Five governors appointed by the local diocese.

The full list of governors can be found below.

Governors meet as a full body and as sub-committees. Our sub-committees are Finance ‘and Resources’ and ‘Curriculum and Standards’. Full governing body meetings are held six times per year. Sub-committees also meet four-six times per year.

Governors have a responsibility to regularly review and approve school policies. These can be found on the School Policies page.

We are always happy to meet with parents to talk through issues which relate to our role or to answer questions. We welcome your suggestions, feedback and positive engagement.

If you would like to contact a member of the governing board or are intrested in joining the board then please email Barbara Oster, Chair of Governors on

Financial Information

We are obliged to publish on our website the number of staff who have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.  The school has no employees earning this amount.

For more financial information on the school and to compare with other school’s please visit the Governments Financial Benchmarking service:

Bletchingdon Primary School’s benchmarked financial information

School Governing Body and Organisation

Mrs Barbara Oster

Foundation (14/12/2021 – 13/12/2025) Chair of Governing Body

Mr Scott Barnes

Foundation (10/01/2022 – 09/01/2026)

Mrs Kim Wiles

Foundation (03/03/2024 – 02/03/2028)

Mr Alex Gallyer

Foundation (06/09/2022 – 05/09/2026) – Chair of Curriculum & Standards Committee

Mr Edward Watson

Foundation (11/04/2023 – 10/04/2027)

Rev Gareth Miller

Ex-officio also on the governing bodies of Kirtlington CE Primary School and Chesterton CE Primary School.

Mrs Jane Mullane

Parent (15/03/2022 – 14/03/2026) Vice Chair of Governing Body, Chair of Finance and Resources Committee

Mrs Caroline Walker


Miss Myfina Shuff

Staff (19/01/2021 – 18/01/2025)

Mr Christopher Tyer

Local Authority (14/06/2021 – 13/06/2025)

Mrs Jackie Ulland

