Religious Education

Much of our Religious Education in taught through Whole School Big Question Days. These are centred on a question such as ‘How do people care?’ or ‘Is Light a Good Symbol for Celebration?’ and allow for investigation and discussion in all classes, whether our children are 5, 8 or 11 years of age.

When asked how they felt about light and darkness our Year 1 / 2 children were very thoughtful, making contributions such as: “I feel excited and quiet about darkness because I want to be with my mummy.” And “I feel nice about darkness because it helps me sleep. I feel happy about light because it is a surprise at Christmas time.”

When asked how light and dark are related, children in Year 3 / 4 responded with comments such as: “You can’t have light without dark and you can’t have dark without light.” “Light can be calm for us. It makes me feel safe.” “Shadows are our companions, not just creepy things.” And “Light and dark can meet in the middle.”

When studying William Holman Hunt’s painting ‘Jesus Light of the World’ and asked the question ‘What does light mean to Christians?’ one pupil responded “ The light shows that Jesus is the Light of the World. Here the light means hope. Jesus is lit up because he is a hero.” Another added “He shows love, peace, power, care, calm and courage. HE is the light of the world.”

When asked ‘What is meant by the darkness?’ she went on to say “The darkness means evil and sadness. It is scary…” another added “…It’s like darkness is the sin and Jesus will wipe it clean. Darkness is awkward, scary, ODD and different.” A further response was “He looks like he is at a door – he could be entering heaven.”