Service to Others

In our school we always think of how we can serve and help others. Older pupils are House Captains and Vice Captains, librarians and buddies for younger pupils and our School council meet regularly to support school leadership and improvement. Our Year 5/6 school council members work alongside their Woodstock Partnership Pupil Parliament Peers to raise funds for both local and national charities.

The School Council decide on a range of charities to support over the course of the year and plan events for the whole school. Some of the charities we have supported have included:

  • Alongside our local church, our harvest appeal supported The Bicester Food Bank.
  • As part of our remembrance focus we funds through poppy sales for The Royal British Legion.
  • Children in Need
  • Nasio Trust, an anti-poverty charity in Kenya
  • Thames Valley Air Ambulance

In addition to supporting charities, our Year 5/6 class visit ‘Heathfield’, a care home near Bletchingdon supporting individuals with nursing, residential and dementia care needs. We have performed poetry and extracts from Macbeth, sung Christmas carols and presented them with art work which is displayed in their day room.