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PE and Sport Premium

Sport Premium & Keeping Health

Sport Premium statement July 2023

Sport Premium statement July 2022

Sport Premium statement September 2020

Sport Premium statement September 2019

School Sports Funding

School sports funding is allocated to schools in addition to main school funding. It is calculated on a government specified formula.

Schools are free to spend the Schools Sports Funding as they see fit. However they will be held accountable for how they have used the additional funding to support pupil progress in PE and Games and pupil accessibility to high quality provision and opportunity within and beyond the school day.

Bletchingdon Primary is a member of the Woodstock School Partnership which provides support for PE co-ordinators and access for pupil to partake in joint sporting activities within the cluster and at county level.

Meeting staff CPD needs through expert coaching opportunities ensures all pupils have access to high quality sports teaching and ensures that the quality of provision is sustainable when the funding period comes to an end.


We will evaluate the impact of the Sports Premium funding as part of our normal self-evaluation and provision mapping arrangements.

We will look at how well we use our Sport Premium to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sporting provision, including increasing the participation in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of.

Assessments are made both formally and informally using our school assessment systems as well as feedback from staff and visitors to the school. We will also evaluate the impact of professional development opportunities in improving teaching and learning in PE.

Keeping Healthy

We strive to maintain this in a variety of ways; our main objective being to help our children develop healthy lifestyle choices which will affect them as they become independent citizens of the future.

In science and PSHCE our children learn about the need for a balanced diet along with plenty of sleep as well as mental and physical exercise for healthy development. These also impact on a child’s behaviour and learning. Emotional health is equally important and our children are encouraged to talk to their peers about issues they feel need addressing. According to our pupil surveys most of our children also feel there is a member of staff to whom they could talk about problems or concerns.

We encourage healthy food choices for our children who bring fruit or nuts for break-time snacks.  Our children also have their own named water bottle which is filled each morning to ensure they have access to fresh water throughout the day. In September 2015 we sent out an article on our school newsletter asking parents to help us with our endeavours in making packed lunches more healthy. From September 2015 we have been able to cook school lunches on site. In order to support our pupils and parents and lead by example in our endeavours to be healthier, the staffroom has also now become a healthier place.

As well as these, we also encourage as many of our children as possible to either walk, cycle or scooter to school. We are aware that many more parents work these days and that there are cases where there is simply not enough time to manage this plus travel to work but we do encourage it where possible. As well as keeping the children healthy, it also means that there is less traffic using the surrounding roads which is important for ensuring pupil safety.